She was being beaten on the street by her husband, in the
middle of the day, in plain sight of passersby, because she had refused to obey
him. The very image of patriarchy: a man with no reservations about beating his
wife in full view of anyone, including the law; a
woman reduced to the status of a possession and displayed as such to the world.
As usual I cropped close, eliminating elements denoting place, removing the figures to a de-contextualized, black space. I made an adjustment to the angle of the woman’s arm. Neither figure would be identifiable, and the man would be represented, for the most part, by an arm of his own, a blocky, rigid, explosive arm, and by a fist thrust into the woman's hair: his instrument of power, the pure symbol of Power. Her pants
were black; there’s a lot of black in my work. I thought: those are harem pants.
John Rosewall, Obedience, 2016
And still, that pose. Where had I seen that pose before? Legs toward
the viewer, not widely spread but not closed either. Arm, in this case, one
arm, thrown behind her head. And then I remembered.
Henri Matisse, Odalisque, 1926
A Google search of "odalisque" calls up many pages of similar images. This icon of exotic sexual allure hides the system of slavery on which it depends. The voluptuousness of the setting mirrors that of the woman herself, and both are ruses hiding the Real: the horrible vacuum of a life reduced to servitude and the fist that is the instrument, real and symbolic, of Patriarchal Power.
Clockwise from upper left, all by John Rosewall: Obedience (detail), 2016; Bargain (detail), 2017; Reach (detail), 2017
Clockwise from upper left, all by John Rosewall: Obedience (detail), 2016; Bargain (detail), 2017; Reach (detail), 2017